Friday, March 21, 2008

Dustbowl Skywalking Exploit Still Works After Patch

Valve updated Dustbowl, Badlands and Well to try to fix the numerous skywalking exploits that the engineer can do with a teleporter. Well they forgot a few.

With a simple change to the build order for an engineer you can still skywalk on dustbowl. A big thanks goes to Antti for pointing this out.


Unknown said...

Yea I've got another way to do it still, wanna watch to go Where you use jumping down, I think it's a little easier my way.

Anonymous said...

Woah WOAH! how the hell are you getting through AND not getting stuck in the process?

Anonymous said...

The trick is, when you're jumping (duck jump duck) leave the last duck out, so it's (duck, jump) and then just keep jumping until you place your stuff.

Anonymous said...

Wow you people are idiots for uploading the exploits. Its just going to make valve fix them sooner. Way to spoil the fun.

The blog is probably created by a valve employee reeling in idiots to debug their own program for them.


Anonymous said...

thats why usually whenever we find an exploit we keep it to ourselves until we're tired of exploiting it

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, who gives a shit? It's going to get patched eventually so why not tell everybody to do it?

Anonymous said...

Hm, I can't get throught the celing, and I didn't get stuck, can you make a video how to jump throght the celing? :D
Antti, tee video, missä kerrot missä järjestyksessä teet ton hypyn yms. koitin jo duck jump duck, ei toiminu. :(

Klippx said...


Fucking nutcase... The point with the game is to have fun. Your point with the game is evidently to exploit it and keep the cheats to yourself. I could try this exploit once for fun, then I would get sick of it and get on with my TF2 life and play the spy.

Thanks for showing others how to do it so we can have some fun too. Not only the lamers. The sooner valve fixes it the better imo. But at least we got it on tape.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to build the dispenser and teleporter exit at the same time. You will notice that up there, you can't build a dispenser. Wrong. Just jump and build at the same time.

Anonymous said...

to antti:

it will get patch even faster if many nubs abuse it

Anonymous said...

Ah well, latest patch fixes the crouch jump (or so they say)... gotta log on and try it now.

Anonymous said...

it still can be done ;)

hell if im telling

Anonymous said...

Team Fortress 2 Update Released
April 1, 2008, 3:33 pm
I can't do it now!

Anonymous said...

argghhh ... som1 hlp im gettin dtuck in the roof

Anonymous said...

but it is patched, how do you get stuck then...

Anonymous said...

for the life of me no matter how many duck jumps I do, nothing will ever build. frickin weird, it happens like butter for the dude in the video...